fest 变化形式
易混淆的单词: FestFEST
fest 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Thaw fest is tomorrow . I was wondering if you were going .
- 明天是融雪节.我在想你是否要去.
- The hkta also hosted 23 international media organisations from eight countries to cover the music fest .
- 旅游协会也接待了23名来自8个国家,到港采访这次音乐节的国际传媒代表。
- The sixth annual fest draws warriors from far afield .
- 第六届年度西红柿狂欢吸引四面八方的参赛者。
- I don 't want it to turn into a pity fest for poor orson .
- 我不想它变成可怜的奥森的同情惜别会。
- Wh-wh-wh-what is a tahitian love fest ?
- 塔希提爱情舞会是怎么回事?
- Kohzo tashima is in charge of the japanese bid committee and the $ 6 billion " universal fan fest " 3d project .
- 日本的这一名为“世界球迷盛会”的3d申办计划预计耗资60亿美元。
- How much should each hong kong citizen pay for organizing activities like hong kong harbour fest would sound reasonable to you ?
- 你认为每个市民应该平均支付几多钱去筹办类似维港巨星汇既活动属于合理?
- The sustainable-food crowd isn 't alone in its love fest with the obama administration and mr. vilsack .
- 支持可持续食物的人们不是唯一对奥巴马政府和vilsack感觉良好的群体。
- Sometimes body surfing can turn into an all-out knockdown fest from the ocean .
- 有时,冲浪会演变成全力以赴对抗大海的狂欢。
- Throughout the festival is roaming hooker fest , which has groups in a van projecting movies at various locations and giving out safer-sex materials .
- 贯穿整个艺术节的是roaminghookerfest(游街妓女项目),在不同地点通过汽车投影影片并派发有关安全性行为的材料。