
v.编造( fabricate的现在分词 );伪造;建造;制造
fabricating 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Slapdash lab work is not the same as fabricating data and harvard has kept mum about the precise nature of the charges , citing concerns about privacy .
- 草率的实验室工作不等同于编造数据,哈佛大学对指控的确切性质一直保持沉默,理由是涉及隐私问题。
- The guilty party has admitted exaggrating the death toll as well as fabricating and spreading fake information under the guise of an armed policeman or a witness . He has already expressed his penitence .
- 当事人已承认夸大死亡人数、冒充武警和目击者编造传播虚假信息等事实,表示悔过。
- The excerpt of the book says it is unclear whether mr. obama intended to have his son adopted or if he was fabricating the story to appease immigration officials .
- 引述自书中的这段文字称,并不清楚老奥巴马当时是打算让别人收养自己的儿子,还是纯粹为了安抚移民局官员而编造故事。
- The defense accused police of fabricating evidence .
- 被告指责警察编造证据。
- Fabricating data is a heinous scientific sin .
- 杜撰数据在科学上是一种十恶不赦的罪过。
- Fabricating the train became his new passion .
- 装配火车从此成了他的新爱好。
- He accused prosecutors of fabricating information to get a conviction .
- 他指责检察官捏造信息,以便将他定罪。