
n.制造( fabrication的名词复数 );组建;构造物;捏造
fabrications 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Complete fabrications , say several modern historians .
- 一些现代历史学家指出,这是一派胡言。
- Instead , his stump speeches rely almost entirely on fantasies and fabrications designed to appeal to the delusions of the conservative base .
- 相反,他的竞选演说几乎完全建立在幻想和捏造事实之上,其目的就是吸引保守派基层的幻觉。
- His exposure of the pentagon 's fabrications did much to foment opposition to the vietnam war .
- 他曝光五角大楼的谎言对激起反越战发挥了很大作用.
- Ms. winfrey has not commented publicly on mr. rosenblat 's fabrications and , other than to announce the cancellation of the book , berkley books has said nothing further .
- 温弗瑞并没有当众揭穿罗森布拉特的捏造行为,伯克利图书公司除了声明取消此书出版计划之外,并没有做过多的评论。