
v.编造( fabricate的第三人称单数 );伪造;建造;制造
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- And luke once again fabricates words and attributes them to jesus .
- 和卢克再次编造的话他们对耶稣和属性(p)的。
- Information that fabricates or distorts facts , spreads rumours and disrupts social order .
- 捏造或者歪曲事实,散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序的。
- Article 17 where a tip-off maker fabricates a fact to deliberately trap others , his application for the project in national scientific and technological plans shall not , once the fact is verified , be accepted within a certain time limit .
- 第十七条举报人捏造事实、故意陷害他人的,一经查实,在一定期限内,不接受其国家科技计划项目的申请。
- Could you be wrong ? Mind fabricates fear .
- 你是不是看错了?因为害怕而眼花了。
- Shanghai fabricates the electromechanical device limited company .
- 上海生造机电设备有限公司。
- Policy holder intentionally fabricates insurance object to deceive insurance money ;
- 投保人故意虚构保险标的,骗取保险金的;
- Although the entertainment is innocent , but should observe a moral agent in any event , cannot drill network hypothesized the opening , fabricates the false fact .
- 尽管娱乐无罪,但无论如何都应该遵守一个道德底线,不能钻网络虚拟性的空子,凭空捏造虚假事实。
- He has established a company that fabricates microsize and nano-size components in soft materials to help the pharmaceutical industry perform tests on biological samples .
- 他已经创立了一家公司,专门用软材料来制作微米与奈米尺度的元件,以便帮助制药产业对生物样品进行测试。
- She exaggerates and fabricates her claims during her interviews to appeal to people so that she can attract attention from the worst type of fans .
- 她夸大和编造她在她的采访要求,呼吁人民,使她能吸引球迷的最严重类型的关注。
- Any person who fabricates rumours to mislead others and undermine army morale during wartime shall be sentenced to imprisonment of notmorethanthree years or , if the circumstances are serious , imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than ten years .
- 第十四条战时造谣惑众,动摇军心的,处三年以下有期徒刑;情节严重的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑。