
extrapolations 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Projections for the first interstellar voyages , based on extrapolations of our current technological state and current investment into space exploration , will almost always place such missions hundreds of years into the future .
Simple extrapolations from current events .
Haas wants its graduates to be people who will do something about those scary straight line extrapolations , slowing if not necessarily reversing the trends .
Unfortunately , these predictions are largely extrapolations from the recent past and they overlook serious structural constraints .
Their extrapolations pointed to a japan with no children left within a millennium .
Of course , the " 13.7 billion years ago " data is based on some serious theoretical extrapolations back in time , so this is our best estimate based on current theories .
In previous attempts to guess numbers of ocean species , scientists often made extrapolations based on rates of previous discoveries or numbers of unknown species in sample collections .
But the wallpaper selection , choice of period furniture , the selection of books on holmes 's shelves these are pure extrapolations that reflect that taste , style , and opinions of the collector .
A thorough study of options for such cuts in california , long a leader in energy efficiency , concluded that with today 's technology and plausible extrapolations of it , 60 % was the best that could be done .
Mr baumol 's theory makes for scary extrapolations .