n.外星人( extraterrestrial的名词复数 )
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- In may , for example , the vatican 's chief astronomer declared that christian theology can accommodate the possible existence of extraterrestrials .
- 比如说,梵蒂冈的首席天文学家今年五月宣称,根据基督教教义,外星人是有可能存在的。
- The famous physicist recently suggested that we should be wary of contact with extraterrestrials , citing what happened to native americans when europeans landed on their shores .
- 这位著名的物理学家最近提出,我们应该提防与外星人接触,他引用了当年欧洲人在美洲海岸登陆使原始印第安人发生些什么。
- Even though no concrete evidence of extraterrestrials has ever been confirmed , it seems like every space probe ever launched and scheduled to launch has a " find life " stamped in its mission .
- 即使没有任何切实证据可以证明外星人的存在,那些已经发射或是计划发射的空间探测器仍然把“发现生命”作为它们的标志性任务之一。
- As irene klotz noted here on discovery news , a measure before denver voters , if passed , will establish a commission to study extraterrestrials .
- 在discoverynews中ireneklotz特别提到一项措施,丹佛市的选民们将通过投票来决定是否“建立一个委员会来研究外星人”这一举措。
- Based on current theories of planetary evolution , any extraterrestrials observing the solar system 4 billion years ago would have seen oceans on venus , earth , and mars .
- 基于现在星球进化的理论,四十亿年前任何外星人观察太阳系都会发现在金星,地球和火星上有海洋存在。
- If mankind were , this week , to receive a reply from extraterrestrials that had tuned in to the earliest broadcasts , they must be living less than 50 light-years from earth .
- 如果,人类本周得到外星人的回应与最早的广播相应,那他们必定是住在距离地球不到50光娘的地方。
- The authors warn that extraterrestrials may be wary of civilisations that expand very rapidly , as these may be prone to destroy other life as they grow , just as humans have pushed species to extinction on earth .
- 创作者们还警告,外星人可能对迅速扩张的文明表示小心谨慎,例如这些可能在扩张的同时倾向于摧毁其他生命,正像人类在地球上将某些物种推向灭绝。
- There are plenty of ( often contradictory ) stories from both known and anonymous " former officials , " yet not a single person has come forth with hard evidence of extraterrestrials .
- 有很多(往往是互相矛盾的)故事源自于已知和匿名的“前任官员”,但是没有谁有强有力的证据来证明确实存在外星人。
- Mazlan othman , a malaysian astrophysicist , is set to be tasked with co-ordinating humanity 's response if and when extraterrestrials make contact .
- 担当这一重任的是马来西亚天体物理学家马斯蓝?奥斯玛,她的职责是,假设有外星人接触地球时,协调人类的应对行动。
- In " avatar " , a film that has enjoyed a certain modest success at the box office recently , 3d technology brought blue-skinned extraterrestrials to life .
- 在这部影片中,3d技术将蓝色皮肤的外星人带到我们的生活中。