Finally , the engineer 's initial analysis that " the data bus task executes very frequently and is time-critical -- we shouldn 't spend the extra time in it to perform priority inheritance " was exactly wrong .
Once started , bios executes a first initialization of the hardware key devices , and after that it starts a special diagnostic program called post ( power on self test ) which performs a test of various hardware devices .
Too often , those at the helm of companies believe that the best - and indeed , only - way to maintain control is to surround themselves with the classic " mirror image managers " : a team that listens and executes , but hardly challenges .
Each thread then executes queue . Takelast in a loop that retrieves a task from the worker queue ( if there are tasks ) or waits for a new task to arrive ( if it finds the queue is empty ) .
The national development and reform commission , the state body that executes economic strategy , has approved scores of major new infrastructure projects since the start of april , including clean-energy ventures like hydropower stations , four new airports and three renovations or expansions of big steel mills .
However , the big difference is that the settimeout function only executes the code one time rather than repeatedly .
The albanian project also sheds light on some murky questions about whom the bank recruits and co-operates with when it executes projects .
You can accomplish this by using an anonymous function ( no name is given to it and it is not assigned to a variable ) that immediately executes itself .
In other words , project managers must be capable of designing and following a process that executes a strategy , whether it is the 2012 olympics or a multinational product launch .