
v.护送,护卫( escort的过去式和过去分词 )
escorted 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Pope moves quickly through the yard , escorted by a couple of guards .
- 狱长快速在院子里行走,旁边有2个狱警陪同。
- We are escorted to the nearest police station and wait for the reports to be filed .
- 我们在警察的陪同下来到附近一处警署,等待报告事故经过和立案。
- Lawyers representing mr strauss-kahn in france are weighing whether to sue french media over images showing the imf boss being escorted in handcuffs , although some websites have withdrawn the offending photos .
- 卡恩在法国的代理律师正在考虑,是否就发布卡恩被戴手铐押送的图片起诉法国媒体,尽管一些网站已经撤下了那些图片。
- The gendarme escorted herzen to his first stint of internal exile , where he would spend four years for his anti-tsarist sentiments .
- 宪兵要将赫尔岑押解到他第一次国内流放的指定地点,他将因反沙皇的情绪在那里呆上4年。
- Police officers later escorted the two away .
- 警察之后吧两个人护卫走了。
- Then they escorted him to the ship .
- 他们便送他上了船。
- He efficiently escorted us to a hotel and even bartered the price down .
- 他陪我们去了旅馆,甚至还为我们砍了价。
- He tells me he used to run an expedition company and , for years , escorted backpackers through the madagascan rainforest .
- 他告诉我,他以前经营着一家探险公司,陪伴背包客穿越马达加斯加的雨林好几年。
- I will have you escorted out .
- 我会盯着你们的。
- In between is the bride escorted by the bridesmaids .
- 中间是伴娘簇拥着新娘。