He makes swift investment decisions , steers clear of meetings and advisers , eschews set procedures and doesn 't require frequent reports from managers .
Obama also called monday for pay-as-you-go spending , to avoid having new programs swell the deficits , but the legislation that the house will consider wednesday eschews that approach .
As a trade , buying houses is the polar opposite of what made hedge funds rich from 2007 ; it is a bullish bet which eschews complex financial products .
This is the mindset that the field of international business was built upon , and it is certainly an important one , though it is one that still eschews deep cultural and historical analysis .
Country music eschews the " electronic " sound so typical of much pop music .
A wise person eschews bad company .
Eg. a wise person eschews bad company .
She also eschews a more nuanced approach by letting what is mostly an argument about american gender trends strive to be global .