
n.工程师( engineer的名词复数 );设计师;机修工;工兵
engineers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- There are capable engineers who are about to do that .
- 我们公司有很多能干的工程师正准备在这方面下功夫。
- For years , google engineers struggled to catch up to mapquest .
- 多年以来,谷歌工程师一直在奋力追赶MapQuest。
- Your employees are all engineers or product people or designers .
- 你的员工全是工程师、产品经理或设计师。
- Job title with the largest number of openings : engineers and analysts
- 空缺数量最多的职位:工程师和分析师。
- Starting engineers may make $ 130,000 before bonus .
- 初级工程师就能拿到130,000美元的薪酬,这还不包括奖金。
- Com have its software engineers answer customer service calls ?
- Kayak.com网站为什么要让软件工程师接听客户服务电话?
- The aspirants are software engineers .
- 最抢手的是软件工程师。
- Perhaps hydraulic engineers rarely are .
- 或许水利工程师们很少大胆。
- Engineers distinguish carefully between the two .
- 工程师们仔细区分这两者。
- Three engineers began building a prototype .
- 三位工程师着手编写原型。