

v.贪污,盗用(公款)( embezzle的第三人称单数 )

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Article 49 : whoever steals or forcibly seizes the supplies for flood prevention or materials and equipments for water projects , and whoever embezzles or misappropriates state funds and supplies allocated for disaster relief , emergency fighting , flood prevention and relocation settlement , shall be investigated for criminal responsibilities in accordance with criminal law .
In the film " superman 3 " , a lowly computer programmer ( played by richard pryor , pictured ) embezzles a fat wad of money from his employer .
Article 46 whoever withholds or embezzles funds or goods set aside for earthquake disaster relief , if the offence constitutes a crime , shall be investigated for criminal liability in accordance with law ; otherwise , he shall be given administrative sanctions .
However , between the associated party transactions , the relationship is : control and be controlled , influence and be affected , as well as flexible pricing , regulatory and other factors difficult , so objectively speaking , become major predatory form that the major shareholder embezzles the assets of small and medium-sized investors .
Where any functionary for supervision and administration in the banking regulatory organ embezzles public funds , accepts bribes , divulges state secrets , commercial secrets or personal privacy , if any crime is constituted , he shall be subject to criminal liabilities , and if no crime is constituted , he shall be given an administrative sanction .
Where a futures company embezzles , or unlawfully transfers , a client 's margin , causing loss to the client , the company shall be liable for compensation .
Friends are embezzles of time .
Article 36 where any director , supervisor or senior manger takes advantage of his power to obtain any abnormal income from his enterprise or embezzles any enterprise asset , the relevant bankruptcy administrator shall recover it .
Article 46 whoever withholds or embezzles funds or goods set aside for earthquake disaster relief , if the offence constitutes a crime , shall be investigated for criminal liability in accordance with law , otherwise , he shall be given administrative sanctions .