
edifies 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Music edifies one 's personality .
- 音乐,陶冶人的性情。
- The greatest gift at a given time is that which edifies most .
- 在给定的时间最大的礼物是,其中大部分熏陶。
- He that speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself ; but he that prophesies edifies the church .
- 说方言的,是造就自己;作先知讲道的,乃是造就教会。
- This is the reason why love edifies , because it neither envies nor grows angry with those who do envy , nor does it make a public display of what is the object of envy , nor think that it has already apprehended , but confesses unabashedly its ignorance of what it does not know .
- 这就是为何爱能立人的理由,因为爱既不忌妒,也不对忌妒的人发怒,不会夸耀忌妒的对象,也不会认为自己已经领悟了爱,而是会不加掩饰的为自己所不知的事忏悔。