edicts 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Yet , like many transplanted northerners , he journeyed south partly to avoid what he considers overbearing government edicts .
- 然而,像很多迁移的北方人,旅居南方,很大程度是为了回避专制的政府法令。
- Imperial edicts could deal with very varied matters .
- 皇帝的诏节涉及各个方面的事物。
- It 's dangerous to interpret his edicts .
- 任意解释陛下的意旨是很危险的。
- Yet the federal government ( and the states ) are forever grappling with its edicts .
- 但联邦政府(以及各个州)却不可避免地受到它颁布的法令的影响。
- This is a transport boat . My husband has gone ashore to post imperial edicts .
- 此是漕标根船老兵上岸下文去了。
- There is always some spurious rationale for the edicts harmonisation , protecting consumers , preventing abuses and so forth .
- 这些法规总是基于一些虚假的理由,例如协调一致、保护消费者、防止滥用等等。
- So let us examine the two main themes of the vatican 's edicts : homosexuality , it maintains , is both immoral and unnatural .
- 让我们来研究一下梵蒂冈指喻的两大主题:天主教坚称,同性恋是不道德,而且不自然的。
- Despite central government edicts aimed at restricting investment in the sector , local authorities continue to attract such industries with cheap land , subsidised power and minimal environmental controls .
- 尽管中央政府要求限制该领域投资,但地方政府仍然继续通过廉价的土地、优惠的电力和最低程度的环境控制规定,吸引此类工业项目。
- As should edicts restricting the formation of political parties , forbidding the right to assembly , or constraining the freedom of the press .
- 限制组建政党、禁止集会权或束缚新闻自由的法规也都应废除。
- In the united states , hospitals generally require doctors to wear " professional " dress but have no specific edicts about ties and long sleeves .
- 美国的医院一般要求医生的穿着职业化,但是没有对领带和长袖衬衫做出特殊限制。