[ˈdulɪ, ˈdju-]
duly 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Duly
duly 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Their market valuations duly soared .
- 这些银行的市值已适时飙升。
- The constitution that emerged in 2008 duly enshrines the role of the army .
- 该宪法于2008年生成,适时地明确了军队的地位。
- Both mr obama and mr romney duly struck a moderate tone , with none of the personal attacks that have marked the rest of the campaign .
- 奥巴马先生与罗姆尼先生都适当地采取了温和语气,竞选活动中标志性的人身攻击没有出现。
- Ministers duly put compensation and governance reform at the top of their list of reform priorities .
- 各国部长们适时地将改革薪酬和管理方式作为改革的首要目标。
- In what has become an annual ritual , traditional donors will duly reiterate pledges to increase aid .
- 传统的援助国将适时重申增加援助的承诺,这已成为每年的仪式。
- The council has duly axed a snazzy green living centre , which dispensed environmental advice .
- 伊斯灵顿议会适时地取缔一家执行环保建议的华而不实的绿色生活中心。
- The european commission duly delivered a long " statement of objections " earlier this month .
- 欧盟执委会本月前些日子适时发表了一篇“异议声明”。
- Mr clegg has duly started flirting with what his team calls " positive differentiation " .
- 克莱格也已经适时开始调侃自己团队所谓的“积极差异化”了。
- Mr salmond duly announced that he might delay the independence referendum his manifesto promised until as late as 2015 .
- salmond适时地宣布他可能会把其竞选宣言中所许诺的独立公投推迟到2015年。
- On june 9th the obama administration duly pushed through a fourth round of sanctions at the un security council .
- 6月9日,奥巴马政府又适时地在安理会推动通过了第四轮针对伊朗的制裁。