英音  [daʊnˈrɪvə(r)]    
美音 [ˈdaʊnˈrɪvɚ]    


adv.& adj.下游(的)

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Money has poured in for the construction of the three gorges dam , downriver in neighbouring hubei province , and the relocation of hundreds of thousands of people displaced by the reservoir that stretches up to chongqing city itself .
Downriver of the danjiangkou dam , the water level of the han river , a major tributary of the yangtze , would drop , making it more prone to fish-killing algae .
The canadian , american , michigan and ontario governments all want to build a new $ 2.2 billion crossing three km ( two miles ) downriver , which would be publicly owned but privately operated .
In 2002 the army corps of engineers ( ace ) installed a series of electric barriers 37 miles downriver in the chicago sanitary and ship canal , an artificial channel that links the lakes with the mississippi and its tributaries .
The 600-year-old dragon bridge , which was built during the ming dynasty and spans the li about 20km downriver from yangshuo , is being carefully rebuilt with new stone , while existing blocks that appear perfectly serviceable are discarded .
Once the water heads downriver , however , the nitrogen starts to slowly bubble out .
Farther downriver , the farms of india 's powerful rural heartland divert power and water from small cities like kanpur .
London 's east end hugs the north bank of the river thames , downriver and downwind from the city center .