

dobbin 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Dobbin
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- Several glaciers are seen above dobbin bay in the canadian arctic on ellesmere island .
- 加拿大北极地区,埃尔斯米尔岛的多宾湾被数个冰川所覆盖。
- Several glaciers are seen above dobbin bay in the canadian arctic on ellesmere island ......
- 加拿大北极地区,埃尔斯米尔岛的多宾湾被数个冰川所覆盖……
- This woman had a way of tyrannizing over major dobbin ...... and made him fetch and carry just as if he was a great newfoundland dog .
- 这个女人有本事把多宾少校捏在手里任意使唤,叫他拿这样做那样的,简直把他当做一条纽芬兰大狗。
- " Good god , you don 't mean to say you want to break off ? " Asked dobbin , starting up .
- 都宾霍的站起来问道:“老天爷!难道你想解约吗?”
- In consequence of dobbin 's victory , his character rose prodigiously in the estimation of all his school fellows .
- 自从都宾打了胜仗以后,同学们异乎寻常地尊敬他的人格。
- Do you not remember what major dobbin wrote ?
- 你不记得德比上校信里写的吗?
- Major dobbin , I don 't remember you for a tease .
- 德比少校,我不记得你会开玩笑的。
- Alas , major dobbin , are you still only her friend ?
- 唉,德比少校,你还只是她的朋友吗?
- Lady jane and mrs. dobbin became great friends .
- 简夫人和多宾太太成了极好的朋友。
- This praise and confidence smote dobbin 's heart very keenly .
- 这样的夸奖和信赖弄得都宾十分不好意思。