

joyous 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Remembering its erection , on august 13th 1961 , 50 years ago , should be a less joyous occasion .
- 回忆起50年前1961年8月13日柏林墙开始建造,这应是一个更加缺乏欢乐的时刻。
- Mickey 's house is full of joyous singing .
- 米奇的家里洋溢着快乐的歌声.
- So what 's the joyous path to making these changes and others ?
- 那么,到底做出改变的轻松快乐的途径是什么?
- Researchers will need the skills exhibited by tom sawyer when he persuaded his friends it would be a joyous privilege to whitewash a fence .
- 研究员们需要tomsawyer展示出的技巧,那种可用来说服朋友们粉刷一堵围墙是个令人快乐的特权的技巧。
- Such a psychological foundation alone leads to a joyous desire for the highest possessions of men , knowledge and artistlike workmanship .
- 只有这样的心理基础才能导致一种快乐的愿望,去追求人类最高财富,即知识和艺术家般的技艺。
- Though mariah delivers a much more jolly , and joyous , christmas album , thankfully there is more than one talented diva to pick from this year .
- 虽然玛丽亚凯莉带来了一张更欢乐愉快的专辑,我们今年能从这么多的才华横溢的天后们中选择就够幸运的了。
- Redemption as joyous affirmation of life
- 以充满欢乐的肯定救赎人生
- But music , like all art , grows and evolves through the joyous collision of different worlds .
- 然而,和其他艺术一样,音乐也是通过不同世界令人高兴的碰撞中成长发展的。
- It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity .
- 它的到来,结束了漫漫长夜,带来了欢乐的黎明。
- Just a few people , creating achristmas tablescapefor you table will bring a joyous feel to your dinner party .
- 无论是一个大型集会或只有几个人的亲密私人聚会,这里介绍的圣诞节餐桌装饰技巧将为你的晚餐派对带来欢乐。