I will admit that this has served patients and doctors well , yet recent history has seen an explosion of illness and morbidity in our society .
Most studies in most countries show morbidity and mortality rates swing sharply up in an economic downturn , especially among those who lose ( or fear losing ) their jobs .
When the medical profession embraces the duality of symptom care and the optimization of health by addressing epigenetic influences on gene expression , we will begin to see a decrease in morbidity and an overall improvement in quality of life .
We have the technology ( though not perhaps the political will ) to secure continuing modest increases in longevity , along with a " compression of morbidity " in which the health span gets closer to the lifespan .
Although these agents have fewer adverse effects , including extrapyramidal symptoms , than their first-generation counterparts , they are associated with obesity and metabolic abnormalities that may increase the risk for morbidity and mortality resulting from diabetes and cardiovascular disease , the researchers note .