
v.悲叹,痛惜,强烈反对( deplore的现在分词 )
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- Despite that , western human-rights groups hailed the new text 's exclusion of illiberal language deploring the " defamation " of faith ; instead , it deplores the " derogatory stereotyping and stigmatisation of persons based on their religion or belief " .
- 尽管如此,西方人权组织仍欢迎新的文本,因为其已不再使用狭隘的语言谴责对信念的“诽谤”,而是谴责“具有贬损意义的刻板印象和对建立在自身的宗教或信仰基础上的人进行侮辱”
- It sounds as though you were deploring , a butterfly cooinglike a dove .
- 你听起来像在悲叹,一只如同鸽悲鸣的蝴蝶。
- Labour has spent months deploring the injustice of the cuts . " Fairness " and the plight of the " squeezed middle " are tirelessly invoked .
- 工党指责削减开支不公正已逾数月,并不怨其烦地提到“公正”和“受压榨的中产阶级”的困境。
- He is undogmatic about the precise size of the state , deploring instead its over-centralisation ; he prefers a big society to a big state .
- 他对于政府的具体规模没有特别的要求,但是强烈反对过度中央集权;相比一个大政府,他更喜欢一个大社会。
- But this week it was shamed into signing a unanimous statement deploring the zimbabwean government 's violence .
- 但是本周,它羞愧的在一份一致同意谴责津巴布韦政府暴力行为的声明上签字。
- Star rover was a london novel deploring conditions at san quentin .
- 《星游人》是伦敦的一部小说,批判了加州圣昆丁监狱的现实状况。
- He wrote a letter to the prime minister deploring the government 's strategic defence review for contemplating cuts to the armed forces that would diminish britain 's ability to act abroad .
- 他给首相写了一封信,对政府准备削减军费的战略防卫审查表示强烈不满,他认为,那样做会降低英国军队海外行动的能力。
- Henry giroux , one of the founding scholars of critical pedagogy in the us , for example , recently wrote a thought-provoking essay in the online magazine counterpunch , deploring the creeping " militarization " of american society .
- 例如,美国批判教育学创始人之一亨利吉鲁(henrygiroux)最近就在网络杂志《反击》(counterpunch)上发表了一篇发人深省的文章,谴责了美国社会日益蔓延的“军事化”。