
v.悲叹,痛惜,强烈反对( deplore的过去式和过去分词 )
deplored 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The african union deplored the situation .
- 非洲联盟谴责当前的状况。
- In his last words the prince deplored that god did not let him die on a horse in battle .
- 在他留下的最后的话中,王公遗憾上帝没能让他死在战场的马背上。
- Many italians marching towards piazza san giovanni deplored the violence , with some taking shelter in hotels and bars along the route .
- 向圣乔万尼广场方向游行的许多意大利人谴责暴力活动,一些人躲进了沿途的旅店和酒吧。
- Churches have deplored the idea on moral grounds ( see article ) and public opinion on the issue is muddier than the government had bargained for .
- 各大教堂都以道德的制高点谴责同性婚姻,普通大众对这个问题也比政府所力图追求的更加参差不齐。
- The citizens deplored the death of their king .
- 市民哀悼他们国王的逝世。
- The current electoral law is universally deplored .
- 现行的选举法广受非议。
- He deplored the rigidity of her views .
- 他痛感她的观点僵化。
- The crackdown that I deplored in my last column is real , and so is the stunning level of official corruption .
- 我在上一篇专栏文章中深表遗憾的压制是真实的,同样真实的是官方腐败让人吃惊的程度。
- All of the artificial and decorative tendencies that had appeared since the time of raphael they deeply deplored .
- 对从拉斐尔时代就出现了的、所有做作不自然和装饰性的趋势,他们都深深痛惜。
- In the love of earth the six brothers deplored a system of sequencing dreams for anyone else choosing to transfuse from earth .
- 在对地球的爱中,六兄弟构建了一个梦想序列系统,来让任何其他选择从地球融合的人运用。