
v.悲叹,痛惜,强烈反对( deplore的第三人称单数 )
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- He deplores the money worship common among young people .
- 他强烈反对年轻人中普遍存在的金钱崇拜。
- He deplores the death of a close friend .
- 他悲悼挚友的死亡。
- Mr mbeki deplores what he sees as the relentless pursuit of personal enrichment .
- 姆贝基看到对个人富裕的最求不择手段,他对此痛心。
- As an american who deplores what his country has done to its own .
- 作为美国谁感到痛惜的是什么,他的国家做了自己.
- Regretting the lack of spontaneity and real sensuousness in other contemporary poets , he deplores in tennyson .
- 他对于和他同时代的诗人缺乏自发性和真实的敏感,感到惋惜,他对坦尼森感到悲痛。
- Dismissing mr hollande 's 75 % tax rate as " crazy " , he deplores the level of political debate .
- 他认为奥朗德提出的75%的税率完全“不切实际”,并且对现在的政治辩论水平嗤之以鼻。
- He deplores the tendency of modern prime ministers and presidents to want to be their own foreign ministers and to believe themselves capable of cutting through diplomatic fuddle with charm and dash .
- 他感叹道,近代的总理总统都想亲任外交部长,坚信自己能够以魅力和勇气解决外交难题。
- He deplores the recent decision by mr sarkozy , as interior minister , to grant amnesty to a third of the illegal newcomers whose children attend french schools .
- 他表示对内政部长萨科奇先生最近做出的决定很悲痛,这个决定将赦免三分之一有孩子在法国上学的非法新移民
- He says that he condemns these acts [ of terrorism ] and deplores the [ number of ] victims of these criminal and terrorist attacks .
- 他说,他谴责那些恐怖主义活动,并对那些在恐怖主义和犯罪袭击中的受害者表示哀悼。
- In particular , he deplores the incestuous narrowing of the gene pool that modern pedigree breeders have brought about .
- 他尤其反对现在纯种育种所造成的近亲结合,使狗的基因库不断缩小。