

v.为…的符号( denote的现在分词 );为…的名称;指示;指出

denoting 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

With the agreement running more than 200 pages - including what negotiators estimate are a couple of thousand brackets denoting points of differences - diplomats and negotiators fear that the document is too unwieldy to garner a consensus in the coming months .
In the 1970s it was straightforward , denoting a generic leftist bravado -- but by the time osama bin laden was posing with the weapon in his video dispatches , you write , it had taken on much more complex meanings .
A whiteboard displays vote pledges and ward maps are covered in pins denoting poster sites , says mike freer , who is running to regain the parliamentary seat for the tories after labour snatched it up in the party 's landslide victory in 1997 .
As andreou points out , nassim nicholas taleb , the philosopher who coined the term " black swan event " denoting a hugely consequential event that is utterly unpredictable and can only be explained afterwards was recently asked by jeremy paxman whether the violence on the streets of athens fell into that category .
Do " scare quotes " exist in all written languages that have some punctuation for denoting quotes , or only in some ?
Mr sadr was once derided as " ayatollah atari " , a nickname denoting his love of computer games .
Yanagida has shown that old japanese had an alternative way of denoting direct objects , which also surfaces in modern english . This is " compounding , " the joining of verbs and direct objects into new words .