Of words so related that one reverses the relation denoted by the other .
Italian porcellana originally denoted the sea shell concha veneris .
If double quotation marks are used , embedded single quotation marks do not have to be denoted by two single quotation marks .
Listing 2 provides a simple class for a counter class . Line 2 defines the class with an optional value , which means that the user can provide it or not , and it is denoted with the type ?
In internet browsers , hypertext links ( hotlinks ) are usually denoted by highlighting a word or phrase with a different font or colour .
None of the things heterogeneous from the major term must be a thing denoted by the middle term .
That zimbabwe 's currency happened to be denoted in dollars has amplified appeal , say currency dealers and collectors , particularly after the global financial crisis and mounting public debts sparked inflationary fears in the u. s.
Lightning locations are denoted by white squares while rainfall rates estimated from radar data are represented by different colours .
In the case of an open universe , the mass density ( denoted by the greek letter omega ) is less than unity , and the universe is predicted to expand forever .
A key goal of experiments is to measure the ratio of energy density to pressure in the universe , denoted by the letter " w. "