Above the darkened surface of the earth , a brilliant sequence of colors roughly denotes several layers of the atmosphere .
Sometimes green denotes lack of experience ; for example a ' greenhorn ' is a novice .
Core inflation which denotes consumer prices without food and energy costs has actually decreased from 2.5 % in 2008 to 1.5 % presently .
Black denotes strength and authority ; it is considered to be a very formal elegant and prestigious color ( black tie black mercedes ) .
Perhaps , for both sexes , muscles have come to signify prosperity , just as a suntan used to be the mark of an agricultural labourer but now denotes wealth .
Often misread as an expression of national arrogance , " american exceptionalism " denotes a sociological fact .
In america , by contrast , the term " trailer " denotes more than a mobile home , and the people who live in one know it .
Some " traditions " , such as the requirement that everybody should wear a long shawl ( whose colour denotes the wearer 's status ) when visiting government offices or temples , are fairly recent discoveries .