There are increasingly loud calls for reform of the system , with demands that range from a full-fledged bail-out of borrowers to a phased curtailment of government lending .
While many in the financial services industry , who are understandably heavily focused on themselves , now believe that there is a curtailment of credit everywhere , it is unlikely to be true that all other countries face the same situation as the us .
Brief communication : sleep curtailment in healthy young men is associated with decreased leptin levels , elevated ghrelin levels , and increased hunger and appetite .
Bank rescues have also accelerated the curtailment of cross-border flows because many are under pressure to engage in financial protectionism .
A hot , total war like the second world war could not last for decades , so the curtailment of domestic liberties was short-lived .
Expected economic damage cost of load curtailment .
Clear specified curtailment on payment day .
Actuarial loss and curtailment loss on pensions .
This should lead to a curtailment of credit in 2011 , which will pull down fixed-asset investment and gdp growth as well .