
courting 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The other occasion was the concert we organized in 1957 when I was courting you or you me .
- 另一次是在1957年我们组织的音乐会上,那时我正追求着你,或是你追求着我。
- After courting singapore assiduously during his first months in office , mr wahid lashed out last week .
- 在他任期头几个月殷勤招待了新加坡之后,wahid先生上周开始猛烈抨击。
- But the flurry of interest in courting other foreign capital suggests a desire to diversify .
- 但是对讨好别的外国资本感兴趣的骚乱表明一种多样化的渴求。
- When you were courting , did you talk for hours about current events or the meaning of life ?
- 当初你求爱时,你数小时谈论的是眼前的琐事还是生命的意义?
- But its leaders have been courting other security council members , especially brazil and turkey .
- 但是,伊朗领导人一直向安理会其它成员示好,特别是巴西和土耳其。
- Acting tough is a cheap way of courting public opinion .
- 采取强硬手段是拉拢民众的一种廉价手段。
- Further , courting controversy for controversy 's sake has a troubling effect over time .
- 进一步讲,为了博人眼球而挑起争议迟早会带来麻烦。
- These pictures show his take on bird life from bathing to courting to fighting .
- 这些照片展示他捕捉到的鸟类生活片断:从洗澡,到求偶,到争斗。
- Drinking and driving is simply courting disaster .
- 酒后驾车纯粹是招致祸患。
- Special cases apart , companies should be wary when overseas exchanges come courting .
- 除去特例不谈,当海外证交所前来示爱时,企业应小心从事。