

ditching 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- They are ditching business lines , selling assets and closing up shop in foreign markets .
- 它们正在放弃业务、出售资产,并关闭在国外市场的机构。
- Still , many in the industry are sceptical about ditching the 35mm reel for good .
- 工厂里的一些人仍然对抛弃传统的35mm卷式放映的有点持怀疑态度。
- The oil-rich gulf states are thinking of ditching their currency pegs with the greenback .
- 盛产石油的海湾国家开始考虑放弃钉往美元的汇率政策。
- Mr brown survived only at the discretion of his colleagues , and less because of his virtues than because of the risks of ditching him .
- 布朗先生只是由于其同僚的决定才幸免于难,与其说他的幸存是缘于他的美德不如说是因为抛弃他有种种风险。
- In the push to tackle climate change , most attention is devoted to ditching fossil fuels for low-carbon power sources .
- 在推动应对气候变化的行动中,大多致力于放弃化石燃料而寻求低碳能源。
- Don 't be afraid of ditching something you might need in the future .
- 不要担心你抛弃了一些在未来仍可能会用到的东西。
- Ditching is different from landing a glider .
- 水面迫降和滑行着陆又有不同。
- And ditching me for some secret life ?
- 为了那个什么隐秘生活而抛下我?
- L don 't want to hear about you ditching .
- 我不想再听到你逃课。
- We shall be ditching tomorrow .
- 我们明天要修渠.