

v.召开( convene的第三人称单数 );召集;(为正式会议而)聚集;集合

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America 's mid-term elections turned out much as predicted . The republicans picked up at least 60 seats in the house of representatives , giving them control of the chamber ; john boehner will replace nancy pelosi as speaker when the new congress convenes in january .
The central economic work conference , they key annual meeting at which top leaders chart out economic policies for next year , is expected to discuss the plan when it convenes later this month .
Meeting with reporters after his speech , salazar said he would wait to decide whether to commission new seismic studies until after he convenes a series of offshore energy hearings , which begin next week in atlantic city , new jersey .
When tunisia 's new assembly convenes in a few days , it will in theory be tasked not only with drafting a permanent constitution , but with appointing a government to replace the current , temporary cabinet .
The symposium ended on a firm and high note : a formal resolution to be put before the international union for the conservation of nature ( iucn ) when it convenes this october in barcelona , spain .
In the wake of the 2008 financial collapse , the pentagon convenes a group of hedge-fund managers , bank executives , and academics for a first-of-its-kind economic war game , designed to test the ability of other countries to wield the global economy as a weapon .
The central bank convenes a meeting of bank heads and offers some friendly advice on how to do their jobs .
Mr myhrvold convenes " invention sessions " , each one including thinkers from a variety of fields .
The little monsters may shriek at the thought , but lady gaga has much to prove before anyone convenes conferences for her 70th birthday .
The delegations from alabama , louisiana , mississippi and south carolina held only white democrats in 1963 ; when the new congress convenes next january , they will have none .