

v.召开( convene的现在分词 );召集;(为正式会议而)聚集;集合

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The agriculture ministry followed up by convening industry conferences in 12 provinces and sending agronomists to promote fertilizer techniques , the sinograin report said .
In recent years , mr. heckman has been convening regular invitation-only conferences of economists and psychologists , all engaged in one form or another with the same questions : which skills and traits lead to success ?
Even if he never voted for the iraq war , his policy for dealing with that country now seems to amount to little more than pulling out quickly , convening a peace conference , inviting the iranians and the syrians along and hoping for the best .
Europe 's leaders convening in brussels for a european union summit were under intense pressure to come up with a new plan to save the euro , but they seemed as divided as ever .
Two years ago in bali , member nations of the un framework convention on climate change ( unfccc ) , which is convening the copenhagen summit , agreed that they would accelerate their efforts and draft a long-term plan to avoid dangerous climate change .
The president and his fatah party were enjoying a surge in popular support due to the improved security situation and better economic growth on the west bank ; his leadership appeared even stronger after the successful convening of the first party congress for 20 years in bethlehem in august .
But rather than fight the trend , foreign ministries should welcome it , train professionals with different skills , and concentrate on agenda setting , convening , and supplementing gaps in capabilities all duties now left too often to the overwhelmed staffs of presidents .
The arab league is convening an emergency meeting on wednesday .
Convening occasional meetings with advocates and urging bipartisan support for reform are not sufficient .
Shortly after the plenum ended , authorities were convening an international daoism forum .