
n.修女( convent的名词复数 );女修道院
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- It may not be so big because I sold it somewhat cheap and as I told you before I had already shared many stickers and tattoos to other sisters in other convents .
- 它可能不那么大了,因为我把它卖了稍微便宜,就像我以前告诉你的,我已经有许多共同的贴纸、纹身到其他姐妹在其他女修道院。
- Used for private devotion , these glass-fronted , book-sized tableaux were made by the region 's nuns ( mainly carmelites ) in the 18th and 19th centuries . The money from their sale helped support the convents .
- 这些玻璃镶面,书本大小的场景浮雕是18、19世纪此地修女(多属加尔默罗会)所作,用于个人祈祷,而出售所得可用于维持修道院运行。
- The irish convents fell without exception under the iron hand of henry viii .
- 爱尔兰修道院下跌,没有例外情况下,铁腕的亨利八世。
- Nearby are three convents that will also be cut off from the people they serve .
- 附近有三个修道院的也将切断他们服务。
- The basic crime associated with the saints is erotic , related to the transports and tortured fevers that produce a burning love in the solitude of monasteries and convents .
- 跟圣人联想在一块的基本罪行是性欲,跟狂喜与受折磨的狂热有关系。它们产生一种燃烧的爱,在修道院与修女庵的孤独当中。
- I like convents , but I wish they wouldn 't admit any women under the age of fifty .
- 朕喜爱女修道院,惟望其不至收容年龄五十以下之妇人。