They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity .
The punaluan family or a form similar to it must have been at the very least as widespread as this system of consanguinity .
Family business is generated in organization based on the consanguinity relationship through the whole family .
We now come to another discovery made by morgan , which is at least as important as the reconstruction of the family in its primitive form from the systems of consanguinity .
And among these tribes of india , as among all the american indians , the actual relationships arising out of the existing form of the family contradict the system of consanguinity .
By starting from the systems of consanguinity and reconstructing from them the corresponding forms of family , he opened a new line of research and extended our range of vision into the prehistory of man .
Surrounding and consanguinity : research into folk faith among immigrants in danshui during ching dynasty .
Consanguinity ; existing criminal law ; commentaries on the codes of tang ; blood relation .
The minority villages is life space for developing and inheriting ethnic cultures , it based on the relation of consanguinity and region , the strains of a family organization are relatively simple .