

din 变化形式
第三人称单数: dins
过去式: dinned
过去分词: dinned
现在分词: dinning
易混淆的单词: DinDIN

din 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Not everyone in the room is ready to shut up and listen , so the hopefuls must battle against the din .
- 并不是每个在场的人都愿意屏息倾听,所以抱有希望的投资者必须用声音盖过观众的喧闹。
- The din of the hospital seemed to dissipate , leaving a wincing silence in the room .
- 医院里的喧闹声音似乎消散了,病房里有的只是沉默。
- City dwellers compete with the din of traffic to be heard .
- 城市居民往往受困于喧嚣的交通噪音。
- The din is deafening as workers hammer and weld the parts together .
- 工人们敲击和焊接部件的喧嚣声震耳欲聋。
- The din from the commodity pits on the chicago exchanges is growing louder .
- 芝加哥商品交易所商品交易厅的喧嚣声越来越大。
- In a similar move , a handful of businesses recently took to sina corp. 's weibo microblogging site to make special offers tied to the doomsday din .
- 一些企业最近也采取了类似举动,他们到新浪微博上推销自己专门为当前这场世界末日喧嚣开发的商品。
- They fought amid the din and clamor of swords and slogans , and sought to destroy the small word however they could .
- 他们在战争和游行的嘈杂喧嚣中战斗,无论如何要消灭这个小字眼。
- They dodged all the din , even when moving meant that they had to leave behind the places that offered them the most food .
- 他们躲避着所有的喧嚣,即使是那些供给他们最多食物的地方。
- All about us is noise and bramble , thorn and din , each one of our ancestors on our tongues .
- 我们的一切只是噪音和钩刺,荆棘和喧嚣,我们谈论每一位祖先。
- He boat docked , and we headed to dinner , walking through the crowds and din of the city for the first time .
- 船靠岸了,我们首次步行通过这座城市的喧嚣,前去吃晚餐。