

colorblind 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Hamsters have poor eyesight ; they are nearsighted and colorblind .
- 仓鼠有视力低下;他们近视和色盲。
- Out of interest , does that logo look normal to anyone here / is there anyone who 's colorblind here ?
- 出于兴趣,这个logo在无论谁的眼中会是正常色彩吗/这儿有色盲吗?
- Team spirited , healthy , be able to night shifts , not a colorblind .
- 团队精神,身体健康,适应倒班,无色盲.
- The color red does not make bulls go crazy , bulls are colorblind .
- 红色不会让公牛发狂的,牛哥其实是色盲!
- There are people on the development team that are colorblind so it 's something we 're constantly aware of .
- 设计团队里有色盲,所以我们很清楚这一点。
- According to the colorblind web page filter , above is what looks like for users with protanopia ( red / green color blindness ) .
- 参照色盲网页过滤器,其看起来像是google.com为红色盲(红绿色盲)服务的。
- Contrary to popular belief , dogs are not colorblind .
- 与通常的看法相反的是,狗并非色盲。
- Be sure to use another way to show the same info since some people are colorblind .
- 因为有盲人存在,所以一定记得要用其他的方式表达这个相同的信息。
- Like all dogs , skip was colorblind .
- 和所有的狗一样,斯齐普也是个色盲.
- I couldn 't do this . I 'm colorblind .
- 我不能做。我是色盲。