
Pampers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- She pampers her own spoiled children and brings jane up as littlebetterthana servant .
- 她对她那些被宠坏了的孩子娇生惯养,但对简则有如对待佣仆。
- Get some pampers for you and your brother while you 're at it .
- 给你和你兄弟拿点尿布。
- He 's got pampers on , but feed him .
- 他吃饱了,用奶嘴喂他。
- If a man pampers his servant from youth , he will bring grief in the end .
- 如果人从小娇纵仆人,结果必带来忧愁。
- Multinational companies like kimberly-clark ( huggies ) , walt disney , and p & g ( pampers ) , have poured more than $ 3 million into advertisements on the site in just nine months .
- 众多跨国公司,比如金百利(好奇)、沃尔特迪斯尼和宝洁(帮宝适)仅仅在9个月中,就倾注超过300万美元的网站广告投入。
- Last november google , which pampers its staff with everything from free food and tax advice to pre-natal classes for expectant fathers , announced a $ 1000 cash bonus and a 10 % pay rise for everyone , hoping to stem a wave of defections to rivals such as facebook .
- 去年十一月,本来就娇惯员工的谷歌从免费的伙食和税务咨询,到给员工中的准爸爸开设产前教育等等宣布了一项1000美金的现金分红以及全体员工薪资上调10%,希望阻断一股叛变到facebook等竞争对手的逆流。
- Gdiapers started the idea of designer nappies ( as the aussies call them ) , and saw pampers and others follow its lead .
- gDiapers首创设计师尿布(正如澳大利亚人这么称呼它们),帮宝适(Pampers)和其他公司群起而效仿。
- It 's the mother of all corporate rivalries , bigger than coke vs. pepsi , older than nike vs. reebok , and more compelling than pampers vs. huggies .
- 与之相比,可口可乐(Coke)与百事可乐(Pepsi)之争算不上什么,耐克(Nike)与锐步(Reebok)之争显得幼稚,而帮宝适(Pampers)与好奇(Huggies)之争则不够引人注目。
- Earlier in the week , two large buses had arrived from baltimore , stocked with dog food and pampers and canned goods collected by a local radio station .
- 本周早些时候,两辆大巴从巴尔蒂摩出发,载着狗粮、帮宝适和罐装食物等物资抵达这里,这些物资都是由本地的一家广播电台倡议募捐的。
- Procter and gamble may boast household brands like pampers and gillette , but a stall in innovation and a weak economy have created issues for the company over the past several years .
- 宝洁虽然拥有家喻户晓的日用品品牌,如帮宝适(pampers)和吉利(Gillette),但由于创新不足,经济疲软,近年来这家公司也面临着一些问题。