
clocked 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The it department in fiola 's office suspected him of illegal downloading when they clocked his bandwidth at four times that of his colleagues .
- 菲欧拉单位的it部门之所以怀疑他进行非法下载,就是由于监测到他的带宽占用达到其同事的四倍。
- Firefox clocked the best time for opening gmail and twitter , and safari opened my sister 's wordpress blog the fastest .
- 火狐用最短的时间打开了gmail和推特,而safari在打开我姐姐的wordpress博客时速度最快。
- He clocked up1000 miles coming here .
- 他到这里来一共走了1000英里。
- Their team clocked up quite a few successes abroad .
- 他们那支球队在国外赢得了一些胜利。
- Clocked the winds at 60 miles per hour .
- 测得风速为每小时六十里。
- I clocked her in the driving mirror .
- 我从汽车后视镜里注意到她。
- The truck clocked in at about two thousand pounds .
- 卡车的登录重量为约2000磅。
- A station clocked to broadcast one minute in each hour .
- 一个车站规定每小时广播一分钟。
- The final result was worth all the miles that were clocked .
- 最后的结果完全值回票价。
- You really clocked me there . Am I bleeding ?
- 疼死我了,流血了吧?