cheerless 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A damp and cheerless december afternoon .
- 十二月一个潮湿阴冷的下午。
- It was a cheerless morning .
- 这是一个令人沮丧的清晨。
- They live in a bare , cheerless apartment in downtown new york .
- 他们住在纽约市中心一间四壁空空、阴暗惨淡的公寓里。
- The cheerless surroundings had no effect on her .
- 令人泄气的环境对她毫无影响。
- It was a wet and cheerless day yesterday .
- 昨天是个阴雨天。
- The recovery will also be cheerless .
- 复苏也不是那么鼓舞人心。
- They came back quiet and cheerless .
- 他们回来了,闷闷不乐。
- It may get lucky : the upward drift of top people 's income may weaken in a cheerless recovery .
- 它可能会很幸运:经济缓慢复苏将致使顶级收入人群的进项可能会减少。
- Oh , if only I could pay for my deed by joining you in your journey to the cheerless realms of the dead .
- 噢,要是我能为我的所为付出代价,能陪你一起去黑暗的死亡国度该有多好。
- The narrow half-faced camp which was their home was a cheerless place at its best , and the disease did its work quickly .
- 他们住的那个狭小的半敞开的窝棚在最好的情况下也是个凄凉的地方,因此疾病很快肆虐。