

n.帆布( canvas的名词复数 );油画(布)

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His work lacks the polish of churchill 's canvases , but unlike the british bulldog , putin has no qualms about using his famous name to encourage positive reviews .
Reluctant to stray from their villa and accompanied by their own chef ( who 'd been specially flown in from delhi with his supplies ofbesan , or flour ) , they spent most mornings not at the temples but devising their menus kadiandpakoras before turning to their canvases .
He took up painting , selling his boldly signed , matisse-influenced canvases through galleries and stores .
But mr. feller never sold his kandinsky-like canvases to major new york museums , though he has a tin full of rejection letters to prove his effort .
What becomes strangely moving in this work is the subtle difference between an 89-degree angle and a 91-degree angle - a far cry from the grand gestures of renaissance battle paintings or of some modern abstract canvases .
His early collage canvases included bits of text in his careful , sloping script ; later ones had commentaries written to hang beside them , in conscious imitation of t. s. eliot 's notes to " the waste land " .