
n.英国从城市或大学选出的议员( burgess的名词复数 )
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- Representatives from the towns were called burgesses . The process for electing burgesses varied from town to town , according to local custom . Representatives from the counties were called knights of the shire and were publicly elected at county court meetings .
- 来自城镇代表叫市议员(burgesses).各镇选举市议员程序因各地传统而不同.来自各县代表叫郡选议员(knightsoftheshire),由公众选任自县法庭公议.
- This provoked a great outcry among the local burgesses ;
- 这件事使当地的士绅们大嚷起来。
- He became a councilor and sat as a member of the house of burgesses .
- 他成为了议员,而且成了伯吉斯家族的一员。
- This was not the first occasion upon which burgesses were called to westminster , but on previous occasions they served merely a consultative role .
- 这并不是第一个地方议员被召到威斯敏斯特的情形,但是在前几次中,地方议员只是起协商的作用。
- While the house of burgesses was still allowed to run the government , the king nevertheless appointed a royal governor to settle disputes and enforce certain british policies .
- 虽然殖民地议会(houseofburgesses)还允许政府的统治,但国王任命了一个总督来解决争端和执行某些英国的政策