

n.汉堡包( burger的名词复数 );(汉堡牛肉式的)鱼松饼;菜末饼;果仁饼

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They print information about food energy and convince us of innocence of their wonderful burgers .
Throw some burgers on the grill stock the fridge with his favorite drinks and let him kick back .
If you chose to get all your calories from burgers or sweets , dr. oz says you could develop health problems .
The rich eat 10 times more than the poor in other words , some people get 10 burgers a day while others get none .
Instead of throwing burgers or steaks on the grill , why not pick up a few fresh eggplants from the local farmers market ?
Often , little in the way of independent thought is brought to bear on the " burgers plus big companies equals bad " style of arithmetic .
A study published in the journal of the national cancer institute found that burgers cooked at a lower temperature and turned every minute while cooking had 75 to 95 per cent fewer carcinogens than burgers turned only once after five minutes of cooking .
A light-hearted index devised by the economist magazine which compares the price of mcdonald 's big mac burgers , a fast food staple available around the world , as a guide to whether currencies are overvalued or undervalued .
Britain , with its love of burgers and packaged meals , is seen as following closest on america 's heels , but the rate of obesity has started to swell on the continent too .
Perhaps a result , its most famous culinary product , the pasty , now competes with sandwiches , burgers and fish and chips as a fast food option well beyond the region 's borders .