
v.恢复( revert的现在分词 );重提;回到…上;<律>归还
reverting 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He calmly ducks questions on tv before reverting to mr sarkozy 's record .
- 在电视上,他在回复萨科奇的记录之前先冷静地回避问题。
- Some background : back in 2001 , when the first set of bush tax cuts was rammed through congress , the legislation was written with a peculiar provision - namely , that the whole thing would expire , with tax rates reverting to 2000 levels , on the last day of 2010 .
- 一点背景:在2001,当布什的第一套减税政策出台在国会上被否决的时候,法规中有一条很奇怪--所有的规定在2010年最后一日将失效,并恢复到2000年的税率。