bottled 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Many experts suggest you drink only bottled water when traveling .
- 许多专家建议在旅途中最好只喝瓶装水。
- Mr bulcke believes the backlash against bottled water is temporary .
- 薄凯认为,对瓶装水的激烈反对是暂时的。
- Yet new yorkers probably drink more bottled water than anyone .
- 然而,纽约人饮用的瓶装水可能比其它任何地方都多。
- The main target is supermarkets selling beer for less than bottled water .
- 该计划主要针对的是那些以低于瓶装水价格出售啤酒的超市。
- A big part of the appeal of bottled water is those convenient single-serving bottles .
- 瓶装水的吸引力很大程度上来自那些便利的一次性塑料瓶。
- Canteen operators also unexpectedly raised the price of bottled water to 1 yuan from 0.7 yuan .
- 食堂经营者还出人意料地将瓶装水从人民币0.7元调高到1元。
- Scientists have identified the chemicals that lead to the bitter aftertaste of stale bottled beer .
- 科学家已经鉴定出造成走味的瓶装啤酒带点苦的回味的化学物质。
- Worried about the toll your bottled water habit has on you or the earth ?
- 到底是你还是地球需要担心因为有饮用瓶装水的习惯而被收费呢?
- Other members itemized spending on everything from bottled water to pest control and office plants .
- 还有一些议员详细列举了从瓶装水、防虫剂到办公室绿植等等的报销项目。
- The link between bottled water and the health and wellness movement was a recipe for success .
- 将一瓶简单的瓶装水和美丽健康挂钩,这就是依云成功的秘诀。