Their populist cultural complaints might sound typical of the bluster that seems to happen naturally wherever islamist parties collide with a secularist state .
If that was merely bluster , the dfs settlement leaves much to be desired in as much as it extracts money from standard chartered 's shareholders but imposes no consequences on the people in charge .
That kind of bluster is typical among faltering candidates , of course .
When you realise you 're wrong , you might be tempted to try and bluster your way out of it or make excuses .
As for pakistan , for all its bluster , it desperately needs foreign , ie , american money .
Yet it was also emblematic of spain 's approach to its banking crisis , characterised by a mixture of bluster and denial that has ultimately proved to be self-defeating .
His main point this week seemed to be that the sanctions he imagines to be " crippling " should be given time to work and that this was therefore not the moment for " bluster " .
In these conditions , protest and bluster function as marketing tools .
Conversation limited to sports or shopping may get boring to someone who likes to ponder philosophy and bluster about business .
Republicans bluster that they will repeal obamacare and dodd-frank and abolish whole government agencies , but give only a sketchy idea of what should replace them .