
v.包围,围困,围攻( besiege的现在分词 )
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- And nebuchadnezzar himself came up to the city while his officers were besieging it .
- 当他军兵围困城的时候、巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒就亲自来了。
- A mobile screen or shield formerly used to protect besieging soldiers .
- 以前用以保护上前去围攻的士兵的活动的屏面或盾牌。
- And nebuchadnezzar the king of babylon came against the city while his servants were besieging it .
- 当他的臣仆围困城的时候,巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒亲自来攻城。
- Our sympathies now lie with the besieging militias , not the robber barons .
- 现在,我们同情的是围攻的民兵,而不是强盗贵族。
- The congress appointed george washington to head a continental army and dispatched him to boston , where local militia were besieging a british army .
- 会议指定华盛顿指挥大陆军并将其派往波士顿,那里的地方武装正在围困一支英国军队。
- And the army of pharaoh had come out of egypt ; and when the chaldeans who were besieging jerusalem heard news of them , they withdrew from jerusalem .
- 法老的军队已经从埃及出来;那围困耶路撒冷的迦勒底人听见他们的风声,就从耶路撒冷退去了。
- Laurent nkunda , the congolese rebel leader who is besieging the eastern city of goma , said his forces were ready to fight african peacekeeping troops if they attacked .
- 刚果叛军领袖laurentnkunda以武力包围了首都goma东部的城市,声称他的军队已经做好准备,将回击一切对来自非洲维和部队的攻击。
- I began to glory in the thought of such a death , alone in the desert , with the wild eagles besieging my last moments .
- 我开始把这样的死孤零零地死在荒野里,只有野鹰凭吊我最后的一刻想象成光荣的牺牲。
- And the children of juda besieging jerusalem , took it , and put it to the sword , and set the whole city on fire .
- 犹大子孙攻打了耶路撒冷,将城占领,用利剑杀了城中的居民,放火烧了城。
- The orcs flooded the mine valley and are now besieging the castle .
- 兽人放水淹没了矿坑山谷,而且正在围攻城堡。