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v.包围,围困,围攻( besiege的过去式和过去分词 )

besieged 变化形式

易混淆的单词: Besieged

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Using weapons sent overland from tunisia and smuggled by tugboat , the fighters besieged qaddafi 's forces .
Rebels on the ground in besieged homs , the site of some of the most extreme brutality , say the international community is hesitating to help syrians out of fear that it will trigger a civil war .
Thousands of west africans besieged local hospitals , and a number died , in 2006 after the dumping of hundreds of tons of highly toxic oil waste around abidjan .
The most pressing need in libya is to help the besieged population of misrata , where rebels have repulsed repeated attempts by loyalists of muammar qaddafi to take the town centre .
They have also been besieged by business people not long ago riding the high of pumped up stock market valuations from property to airlines seeking state support .
Lucy and jorge orta , two contemporary artists , have created the set ; nitin sawhney , a musician , provides a near-constant claustrophobic soundscape ; and several talented actors , led by harriet walter and imogen stubbs , recount the ordeals of the besieged .
With his country now besieged under un sanctions that systematically impoverished its middle class , saddam posed as the victim of a relentless american-led campaign to weaken and hold back the world 's muslims .
Time 's abigail hauslohner traveled to within 25 kilometers of the besieged city to talk to the refugees streaming out of it , heading toward tobruk , 250 miles away on a desert road .
The immune system 's white blood cells rush to the arteries when the blood vessels are besieged by low density lipoprotein , or ldl -- the ' bad ' cholesterol . The cells embed themselves in the artery wall and gobble up the invading cholesterol , causing damage to the arteries that can lead to heart attack or stroke .
The army subsequently besieged them , blaming " armed gangs and terrorists " for the unrest .