
beggars 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Construction sites dot the city while beggars clutching tin cans approach cars at intersections .
- 城市中星罗棋布着建筑工地,路口可见走近汽车紧握空铁罐的乞丐们。
- The ruined streets filled with maimed beggars of the 1946-49 civil war era were a distant memory .
- 1946-49年内战期间破旧街道上遍地残废乞丐的景象已成遥远的记忆。
- Three years later one of his disciples discovered him living with some beggars under a bridge in kyoto .
- 三年后,一名弟子在京都一座桥下发现桃水和一帮乞丐们住在桥洞里。
- While many factories have posted job openings on their gates , last year 's beggars are this year 's choosers and vice versa .
- 尽管许多工厂的大门上贴着招工广告,但去年的乞丐变成了今年的选择者反之亦然。
- The key is not wealth or physical well-being , since we find beggars , invalids and so-called failures , who are extremely happy .
- 快乐的关键并不是财富或身体健康,因为我们发现有些乞丐,残疾人和所谓的失败者也都非常快乐。
- Variety compared his character to an orphan who discovers that the parents he thought were beggars turned out to be rock stars .
- 这个人物的形象就好像一个孤儿,原本以为自己的父母都是乞丐,后来发现却是摇滚歌星。
- There will be no poor people , no beggars , no homeless people and no street children anywhere in the world .
- 全球各地将不再有穷人,不再有乞丐,不再有无家可归的人员,不再有流落街头的儿童。
- In india , child beggars and labour are still common , though many are thought to be put in work by their own impoverished parents .
- 在印度,儿童乞丐和童工仍很常见,不过,据悉许多儿童是在自己穷困父母的指使下这样做的。
- Two weeks ago , yu jianrong , a prominent government critic , began a micro-blog to help rescue such children by urging people to post photographs of young beggars .
- 两周前,著名政府批评人士于建嵘开通了一个微博,通过鼓励民众为年轻乞丐拍照的做法,帮助解救被拐儿童。
- Many of this city 's beggars have been arrested or forced from the streets , migrants have been rousted , and thousands of homes have been hidden from sight .
- 目前在这座城市,许多乞丐已经不是被逮捕就是被迫从大街上消失,移民已经被赶走,数以千计的破烂房屋也被隐藏了起来。