

v.<文>为…之生父( beget的现在分词 );产生,引起
begetting 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Hey , aren 't you supposed to begetting dressed ?
- 嗨,你是不是该换上婚纱了?
- You 're supposed to begetting here after we do .
- 你应该比我们晚到.
- Honey , shouldn 't we begetting ready for work ?
- 亲爱的咱们是不是该准备上班了?
- With one bubble begetting another , america 's imbalances rose to epic proportions .
- 随着一个泡沫带来了又一个泡沫,美国的失衡达到了前所未有的规模。
- The father did not beget the son and set him free after he was begotten , but he is always begetting him .
- 被生之后就释放了他,而是父永远在生子.
- Shouldn 't you begetting the latte ?
- 你不应该去买拿铁吗?
- Shouldn 't the cops begetting all this stuff ?
- 条子们不应该管这些的吗?
- And enoch walketh habitually with god after his begetting methuselah three hundred years , and begetteth sons and daughters .
- 以诺生玛土撒拉以后,和神同行三百年,并且生了其他的儿女。
- He doesn 't seem to begetting any sloppier .
- 他似乎没搞出更多的疏忽.
- Hey , shouldn 't you begetting ready for school ?
- 嘿你不是该去上学了吗?