Within the party , she stifles leadership that might impede her family 's ascendancy .
In particular , the new ascendancy of the emerging economies has changed the relative returns to labour and capital .
What is more disappointing in mr romney is the gap between his lofty aim of perpetual american ascendancy and his unimaginative means .
The ascendancy of free-market thinking in economic-policy circles led to the promotion of letting exchange rates float free of government intervention .
Many shabab commanders believe history will judge them not by their compassion but by their ascendancy over unbelievers .
Socially and economically liberal children of margaret thatcher 's britain , their ascendancy secures the future of the modernisation project .
He demonstrates that the west 's long ascendancy was rooted in its ability to develop institutions that combined labour and capital in imaginative new ways .
Google has responded to the ascendancy of the social networking site with introduction of its own buzz service last month .
Underlying the almost obsessive interest in the future of these countries is the fear that the west is losing its economic ascendancy , and therefore its capacity to shape the post cold war international order .
Gandhi keenly registered the moral and psychological effects of this worldwide destruction of old ways and life styles and the ascendancy of western cultural , political , and economic norms .