
n.灵巧( artifice的名词复数 );诡计;巧妙办法;虚伪行为
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- On a macroscopical basis , the course advanced machine design tells about four branches of knowledge that are used in modern electromechanical product design ; basic philosophy , principles , universal design evaluation and optimization methods , modern design methods and artifices .
- 现代机械设计课程从宏观层面上讲述现代机电产品设计中的基本哲理,准则,总体设计评估与优化以及现代设计方法与手段四个方面的内容。
- It is only with scent and silk and artifices that we raise love from an instinct to a passion .
- 只有用香水、缎和计谋,我们才能使爱由本能上升为激情。
- One given to artifices or secret practices ; a juggler ; a cheat ; a thief .
- 一个给手腕或变戏法,一个骗子,一个小偷。
- Many of the vivisystems I report on are " artificial " -- artifices of human making -- but in almost every case they are also real -- experimentally implemented rather than mere theory .
- 我所介绍的许多活系统都是“人工的”----人造之物----但几乎都是真实的----已被验证的而不是理论空谈。
- Several artifices are used to simulate an impression of 3d-like perspective , shading , movement , stereo-vision .
- 一些方法被用来模拟类似于3d的透视图,阴影,运动,立体效果。