

artisans 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Ms. lett suggests selecting books of photographs or items handmade by local artisans .
- 莱特女士建议选择摄影书籍或者当地工匠手工制作的物品。
- Subsequently many greek artisans left constantinople for italy where they could continue their professions under pope gregory ii .
- 结果使很多希腊工匠离开君士坦丁堡而来到意大利,他们在罗马教皇二世的统治下继续工作。
- The mounting cost of raw materials from paper to paint forced indian artisans to raise prices of popular household items this diwali .
- 由于从纸张到油彩等各种原材料的成本不断上涨,印度的工匠们今年排灯节被迫上调了常用节日用品的价格。
- In his scheme , merchants , artisans and manufacturers added nothing to labour and capital they diverted from the land .
- 在他的体系中,商人、工匠和手工业者没有增加从土地中转移的劳动和资本。
- For example , when did humans change from being hunter-gatherers to skilled artisans ?
- 如,人类是何时由狩猎采集者变身为娴熟的手艺人?
- Look , how earnestly these two artisans are working !
- 你看,二位师傅制作得多认真啊!
- Royal cinque ports artisans golf club .
- 皇家克里克港阿提申高尔夫俱乐部。
- Cartier was well received by the royal dignitaries appreciated gold artisans .
- 卡地亚是当时颇受皇室权贵赏识的金饰工艺家。
- And the restaurant serves food prepared by local artisans .
- 餐厅供应由当地厨师烹制的食物。
- Manufacturers could never afford to do this because they would end up as artisans and their scale economies would be lost .
- 但制造商可能永远无法承受这一点,因为这样一来,它们最终会沦为手工艺者,而它们的规模经济也将消失殆尽。