

anyplace 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Do you know anyplace to go ?
- 你知道有什么好玩的地方可去么?
- I like walking because it allows me to get out in nature , it 's free , and you can do it anyplace and anytime .
- 我喜欢步行,因为它让我更亲近自然,并且你无需破费就可以在任何地方、任何时间去进行。
- Better still , write her name on your shoulder , your hand , or anyplace she 'll have a chance of spotting it .
- 更好的是,她的名字写在您的肩膀,你的手,或任何地方,她将有机会发现它。
- We 've set up a trade enforcement unit to investigate unfair trade practices that are taking place anyplace -- anywhere in the world .
- 我们已经设立了贸易执法机构,来调查任何地方发生的不公平贸易行为在全球各地。
- Couldn 't find you anyplace .
- 哪儿也找不到你。
- You got anyplace to be ?
- 你有地方去吗?
- Anyplace else you 'd rather be ?
- 你还想在什么地方?
- When you 're twenty-one , you can fly off anyplace you want .
- 等你到二十一岁,你爱到哪儿就可以飞到哪儿去。
- Are you going to anyplace this year ?
- 今年你打算到哪里去?
- And I don 't have anyplace to wear them .
- 我都没有场合可以穿了。